avaya partner telecom services, business telecom solutions, mobile telecom solutions, voip telecom services
Social Media, the internet, and flexible work spaces have moved the modern workplace towards collaboration. Instead of employees working in cubicles, we have teams networking on projects together. Unfortunately, having a quality business network does not ensure...
business telecom solutions, voip telecom services
The boss lets you know your office needs a new phone system. You may know the budget. You know how many employees need to have a line. You may have to check into what kind of phone system you had before. You know you can make good decisions but you’ll have to...
avaya partner telecom services, business telecom solutions, voip telecom services
Sometimes we get so caught in the words we use at work, we forget what they mean. For example, the buzzword cutting edge is a term that someone may throw around loosely to mean “new.” However, cutting edge refers to something that is both new and...
avaya partner telecom services, business telecom solutions
Networking with clients and other businesses is an important part of the business world. And clear communication is an important part of networking. Interestingly, businesses install phone networks to better network with others! Advances in communication technology...
business telecom solutions, mobile telecom solutions, voip telecom services
About 88% of organizations use public cloud services. Public cloud services are very popular but businesses also have the option of private or hybrid cloud. What’s the best option? It depends. Public cloud is a good solution for extra noncritical storage and...
business telecom solutions, mobile telecom solutions
In the business world, you have probably heard the phrase “it’s about synergies.” The business world is always moving so many of the phrases used frequently in business are about that movement, collaborating, and making money. But communicating great...
business telecom solutions
When your business selects a business network system, it’s important to select the amount of bandwidth you need. Bandwidth is the speed at which your network transfers data. However, a common mistake is to think that if your network is running slowly, you need...
business telecom solutions
It’s easy to see the difference between productive employees and dead weight. Some people spend their work day accomplishing tasks while others stand at the water cooler. Lack of productivity stems from a variety of factors, including technology in the...
avaya partner telecom services, business telecom solutions
If you have an email account with a web based service such as Outlook, Gmail, or Yahoo Mail! You have already used cloud services. Accounts like this hold data and run programs so that all you have to do is login from your computer. No need to download software or...