business telecom solutions
Communication is the most vital part of any good relationship, and we have to keep those channels open and clear to prevent misunderstanding or ill-will. The same rings true in business. The best companies cultivate good working relationships with everyone from...
business telecom solutions
Before the introduction of cloud computing and the widespread acceptance and use of the internet, the only way to back up work was locally through disk and tape space, or the create a virtual tape library. Before disks and tapes, work was transcribed and maintained in...
business telecom solutions
The concept of backing up files and work is not new. Backups are as ancient as written word itself because it was a way to preserve information in the event the original copy was lost or damaged. Today, backup strategies are far more elaborate due to the sheer amount...
business telecom solutions
A company’s reputation and success in its industry hinge on its relationship with its customer base, which depends on how well both parties know each other. It’s far easier for customers to learn about companies, but companies have to go a long way to...
business telecom solutions, voip telecom services
Companies today are highly competitive and must find ways to reduce legacy costs to keep their edge. Communication is essential for running a smooth operation. Businesses need to establish reliable communication channels with customers, clients, employees, vendors,...
business telecom solutions
Virtualization is gaining a lot of attention today though the technology is well over half a century old. Virtualization is what paved the way for cloud computing, and though the two are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. However, there is a...
business telecom solutions
With advancements in technology today comes enhanced risk for security breaches and cyber attacks. Firewall protection is security measure used to evaluate your network traffic to ensure your network and data stay secure. Read on to learn more about what a firewall...
business telecom solutions
Every company faces those moments when the Internet in the office will go down. A network outage can equate to thousands of dollars in losses, from unproductive employees to lost sales. We often wonder how we dd this before the Internet. Even with a team or...
business telecom solutions
In 1995, less than 1% of world’s population was online. That’s less than 16 million users. Today, nearly 4 billion people use the Internet, and it has become a critical resource in business. Network outages are almost intolerable, as the Internet has...